BASEC ID | Project title | Type of project | Type of clinical trial | Study phase (clinical trials only) | multi- / monocentric | Category | Principal investigator | Sponsor | Investigational sites | Lead EC | Local EC(s) | Approval date | Minors | Study Ended | |
2018-00879 |
Quantification of Screening Impact on Patient Outcome and Delivery of Care Prediction of Therapeutic Need by Vascular Response to Anti-VEGF Treatment Measured by Optic Coherence Tomography Angiograph More ... |
non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | K. Schmid | Eye Clinic, Cantonal Hospital Lucerne |
Eye Clinic of the Cantonal Hospital Lucerne, Lucernce |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 13.06.2018 | Study has ended | |||||
2018-00878 | Long-term Adherence to a Mobile Self-Monitoring Application for Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Macular Edema and Central Retinal Vein Occlusion – A Prospective Follow-Up Study | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Dr. Martin K. Schmid | Cantonal Hospital Lucernce, Eye Clinic |
Cantonal Hospital of Lucerene, Eye Clinic, Lucerne |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 18.06.2018 | ||||||
2018-00877 | Brain Ossification in Primary Familial Brain Calcification | deceased persons | monocentric | Dr. Annika Keller |
Zürich University Hospital, Zürich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 31.05.2018 | ||||||||
2018-00876 |
TRI0191: Investigating the link between complement pathway activation and pathology, de-convolution of serological / cellular autoantibodies component in idiopathic membranous nephropathy |
personal data/biological material | monocentric | PhD Elisabetta Traggiai | Novartis Pharma AG - NIBR |
Novartis Pharma AG, Basel |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 30.07.2018 | |||||||
2018-00875 | Thrombodynamics analyzer: a novel global coagulation assay to assess haemostatic competence and monitor factor replacement in haemophilia. | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Prof. Lorenzo Alberio | CHUV |
CHUV, Lausanne |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 03.09.2018 | Study has ended | |||||
2018-00874 | A process-oriented study of infants' emotion regulation during mother-father-infant interactions | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Prof. Nicolas Favez | University of Geneva |
University of Geneva, Geneva |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | 07.08.2018 | yes | Study has ended | ||||
2018-00873 | Impact de la prise en charge des détenus sur l’activité aux urgences | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Prof. Pierre-Nicolas Carron | CHUV |
CHUV, Lausanne |
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) | 05.07.2018 | |||||||
2018-00872 | Einfluss vom histopathologischen Subtyp auf den verlauf und das Therapieansprechen in Patienten mit differenzierten und in Patienten mit wenig differenzierten Schilddrüsenkarzinomen | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Roman Trepp | Inselspital |
UDEM, Inselspital, Bern |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern | 06.02.2019 | |||||||
2018-00871 | Association entre albuminurie et mortalité cardiovasculaire parmi les patients aux Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève. | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Dr Elena Tessitore | Hopitaux Universitaires de Genève |
Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve, Geneve |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | 07.03.2019 | |||||||
2018-00868 | Early Percutaneous Coronary Intervention After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Prof. Dr. med. Michele Genoni |
Herzchirurgie Stadtspital Triemli Zürich, Zürich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 11.06.2018 | ||||||||
2018-00867 | Patient-Reported Outcomes in Breast Reconstructive Surgery over Time | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Prof. Dr. med. Nicole Lindenblatt | Universitätsspital Zürich |
Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 19.07.2018 | Study has ended | |||||
2018-00866 | Prevalence and identification of critical points for transmission of multidrug-resistant bacteria in small ani-mal clinics - towards evidence-based guidelines for infection prevention and control | non clinical, involving persons | multicentric | A | Prof. Simone Schuller | Small animal hospital, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern |
Small Animal Hospital, Vetsuisse Faculty Bern, Bern Clinic for Small Animal Internal Medicine, Vetsuisse Faculty Zurich, Zurich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern | Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 06.06.2018 | |||||
2018-00865 | Outcome of straight aorto-aortic endografts in infrarenal aneurysmal disease and penetrating abdominal aortic ulcers, a long term follow up. | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Mr Stephan Engelberger | Ospedale Regionale di Lugano |
Ospedale Regionale di Lugano, Lugano |
Comitato etico cantonale Ticino | 30.05.2018 | |||||||
2018-00864 | Local recurrence after liver resection for colorectal liver metastases: does the interface between the tumor and the non-tumor parenchyma matter? | personal data/biological material | multicentric | Dr. Axel Andres |
Division of Digestive Surgery, University Hospitals Geneva, Geneva Division of Digestive Surgery of Cantonal Hospital Lugano, Lugano Division of Digestive Surgery, Cantonal Hospital of Grisons, Chur |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich, Comitato etico cantonale Ticino | 17.07.2018 | |||||||
2018-00863 | Decompression accidents treated at the Geneva hyperbaric facility 2010-2016: retrospective analysis | personal data/biological material | monocentric | MD Rodrigue Pignel | HUG |
HUG Hopitaux Universitaires Genève, Genève |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | 20.09.2018 | Study has ended | ||||||
2018-00862 | Vestibular Prehab – short and long-term outcome in balance function and dizziness after schwannoma surgery | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Dr. med. Vincent Wettstein | UniversiätsSpital Zürich |
ORL-Klinik, UniversitätsSpital, Zürich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 03.08.2018 | Study has ended | ||||||
2018-00861 | Diagnosis, therapy and prognosis of posterior urethral valves: A retrospective analysis of medical records of patients treated at the University Children's Hospital Basel between 2008 and 2017 | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Prof. Christoph Rudin | University Children's Hospital, Basel |
University Children's Hospital, Basel, Switzerland |
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ | 14.06.2018 | |||||||
2018-00860 | Risikofaktoren für das Auftreten der immun-mediierten Kolitis in Patienten unter Checkpoint-inhibitor Therapie für das maligne Melanom oder nicht-kleinzelligen Lungenkrebs | personal data/biological material | monocentric | Prof. Dr. med. Michael Scharl |
Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich |
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich | 20.06.2018 | ||||||||
2018-00859 | PHITT: Paediatric Hepatic International Tumour Trial | clinical trial | drugs | phase 3 | multicentric | B | Prof. Dr. med. Marc Ansari | University of Birmingham |
Hopitaux Universitaires de Genève, Genève Inselspital, Bern Kantonsspital Aarau AG, Aarau Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel, Basel Luzerner Kantonsspital, Kinderspital, Luzern Ostschweizer Kinder More ... |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ, Ethikkommission Ostschweiz (EKOS), Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern, Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich, Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche s More ... | 07.08.2018 | yes | ||
2018-00858 | Protective and Risk Factors for Mental Health of Children of Asylum-Seekers and Refugees in the Canton of Geneva: a Mixed-Method Study | non clinical, involving persons | monocentric | A | Dr. Sima Saleh | International Centre for Migration Health and Development |
Institut de Santé Globale , Université de Genève, Geneva |
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) | 12.06.2018 | yes | Study has ended | ||||