BASEC ID Project title Type of project Type of clinical trial Study phase (clinical trials only) multi- / monocentric Category Principal investigator Sponsor Investigational sites Lead EC Local EC(s) Approval date Minors Study Ended
2016-01733 Delirprävalenz am Kantonsspital St. Gallen personal data/biological material monocentric Stefan Hägele-Link Kantonsspital St.Gallen Kantonsspital St.Gallen, St.Gallen
Ethikkommission Ostschweiz (EKOS) 17.10.2016
2016-01732 Thoracolumbar burst fractures (AOSpine A3, A4) in neurologically intact patients: An observational, multicenter cohort study comparing surgical versus non-surgical treatment non clinical, involving persons monocentric A Prof. Dr. med. Lorin Benneker AOSpine International, Research Department Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie, Inselspital Bern, Bern
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern 02.11.2016 Study has ended
2016-01731 Die Epigenetik von Kindheitstraumata: Die Suche nach neuen Biomarkern zur Prävention, Diagnose und Behandlung psychischer Beeinträchtigungen infolge belastender Kindheitserfahrungen
non clinical, involving persons monocentric B Prof. Dr. Isabelle Mansuy Universität Zürich Universität Zürich, Zürich
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich 27.02.2017
2016-01730 Association entre les modifications des micro-états (EEG) et la variabilité cardiaque après un exercice physique. non clinical, involving persons monocentric A Jérôme Barral ISSUL Université de Lausanne, ISSUL, Lausane
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) 16.11.2016 Study has ended
2016-01729 Self-efficacy Coaching, Quality of Life, Compliance and Relapse-free Survival in Patients with Early Breast Cancer (SECOM) clinical trial other clinical trials multicentric A Dr. Rudolf Morant iOMEDICO AG Tumorzentrum ZeTuP Rapperswil-Jona, Rapperswil
Prolindo Onkologie und Hämatologie Team, 3001 Bern
Ethikkommission Ostschweiz (EKOS) Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern 19.12.2016 Study has ended
2016-01727 Prospective randomized,, monocentric comparison between total knee arthroplasty devices Medacta GMK Sphere® and Medacta GMK PS® clinical trial medical devices monocentric A PD Dr. med. Peter Koch Kantonsspital Winterthur Kantonsspital Winterthur, Winterthur
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich 02.02.2018 Study has ended
2016-01726 Isolement de cellules IPE (Iris Pigment Epithelial), RPE (Retinal Pigment Epithelial), RGC (Retinal Ganglion Cells), TM (Trabecular Meshwork), et d'explants rétiniens à partir d'yeux humains provenant More ... deceased persons monocentric Univ. Prof. Dr. Med. Gabriele Thumann HUG / UNIGE HUG / UNIGE, Genève
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) 24.11.2016
2016-01725 The Gut Microbiota in Alzheimer’s disease : a study of brain amyloidosis and tauopathy non clinical, involving persons monocentric A Pr. Giovanni Frisoni HUG HUG, Geneva
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) 02.02.2017
2016-01724 Proteinexpression und genomische Analyse von Sarkomarchivpräparaten personal data/biological material monocentric PD Dr. med. Sylvia Höller Institut für Pathologie Institut für Pathologie, Universitätspital , Basel
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ 28.10.2016
2016-01722 Computed tomography with rectal contrast and early endoscopy for the detection of anastomotic leaks after left sided colorectal resection. A single center, prospective trial. clinical trial other clinical trials monocentric B Prof. Dr. med Urs Zingg Departement Chirurgie Spital Limmattal, Schlieren
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich 07.03.2017
2016-01721 Evaluating the long-term effects of an inpatient treatment program for burnout as a function of diagnostic and motivational/interpersonal subtypes – towards optimizing and tailoring therapeutic servic More ... non clinical, involving persons monocentric A Dr. med. Barbara Hochstrasser, M.P.H. Privatklinik Meiringen Privatklinik Meiringen, 3860 Meiringen
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern 01.12.2016 Study has ended
2016-01720 Measuring adverse events in adult acute care settings with the Global Trigger Tool - A descriptive study
personal data/biological material monocentric Prof Dr Michael Simon Inselspital Universitätsspital Bern Inselspital, Bern
Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern 23.11.2016
2016-01719 Vergleich zweier Geräte zur Achsenlängenmessung am Auge personal data/biological material monocentric PD Dr. med. Pascal Knecht-Bösch Augenpraxis Centerpassage Augenpraxis Centerpassage , Wettingen
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ 13.02.2017
2016-01718 Analisi comparativa di tre diversi metodi di valutazione della rigidità vascolare, validazione di un metodo oscillometrico non operatore-dipendente e esplorazione delle sue potenzialità aggiuntive non clinical, involving persons monocentric A Prof. Luca Gabutti Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale Ospedale Regionale Bellinzona e Valli, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Bellinzona
Comitato etico cantonale Ticino 24.10.2016
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) 13.12.2016 Study has ended
2016-01716 Clinical outcomes of minimally invasive full-mouth rehabilitations of patients with erosions and/or abrasions :
A retrospective study of the “3-step technique”
non clinical, involving persons monocentric A Prof Irena Sailer Clinique Universitaire de Medecine Dentaire, Université de Genève Division de Prothèse Fixe et Biomateriaux, CUMD, Geneva
Commission Cantonale d'éthique de la recherche Genève (CCER) 06.04.2017
2016-01715 Effect of massive body mass loss on the mechanics, energetics and efficiency of walking non clinical, involving persons monocentric A Dr Davide Malatesta UNIL UNIL - ISSUL, Lausanne
Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche sur l'être humain Vaud (CER-VD) 12.01.2017 Study has ended
2016-01714 Smartphone app and carbon monoxide self-monitoring support for smoking cessation: a randomised controlled trial nested into the Swiss HIV Cohort Study clinical trial other clinical trials multicentric A Prof. Heiner Bucher University Hospital Basel Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics Universitätsspital Basel, Basel
Inselspital Bern, Bern
University Hospital Basel, Basel
Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen
Ospedale Regional More ...
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ, Ethikkommission Ostschweiz (EKOS), Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern, Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich, Commission cantonale d'Éthique de la Recherche s More ... 04.05.2017 Study has ended
2016-01713 Comparison of different imaging modalities in patients with hyperparathyroidism personal data/biological material monocentric Jan Soyka Kantonsspital Winterthur Kantonsspital Winterthur, Winterthur
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich 10.04.2017
2016-01712 Targeted lymphadenectomy in non-small-cell lung cancer following anatomic lung resection personal data/biological material monocentric Professor Ilhan Inci Universitätsspital Zürich Klinik für Thoraxchirurgie, Universitätsspital Zürich, Zürich
Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich 08.12.2016